DJ Paul BlaZe

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Paul BlaZe kicked off his Djing career back in 1999 when he played his trademark set of HipHop, and R'n'B in his cousins club on a Sunday morning. It was an “impulsive” performance, but later he realized this as his big break into the Djing world. The next day nobody was able to keep him from buying 2 turntables, a mixer and his first dj-records. But these records were not enough to spin with, so he decided to collect records from his family members and friends. After this pretty rough way to get more tunes he was able to cue in short samples of funk, pop, rock records. A couple of months later began to produce his own mixes, and soon after that he started receiving national bookings. After successfully spinning in several clubs in Austria, Paul Blaze aka dj 1o1 wanted to move a field further and try out his turntable skills in other destinations. He has since played at the Mission2Beach 2003 in Turkey, Pacha- Egypt, Divapalace – Germany, Harlem- Poland, Volksgarten – Austria plus many more top European clubs! 2005 he founded together with his Djingpartner & friend, Christopher Groove, his own Studio and Lable, which are known as Orange MUSIC. They already are working on several projects and the first singles and album will be released in summer 2005. Right now you will be able to hear Paul BlaZe every friday at the Austrians hotspot when it comes to hip-hop and RnB, The Pump @ Volksgarten in Vienna.

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